Friday, October 14, 2011

A Personal Health Update!

Hello Friends, It has been a while since I have given y'all a personal update. As most of you know, for many years I have struggled with Chronic Fatigue, due to a number of known and unknown problems with my body that are probably all interrelated. Known: Hereditary Hypothyroidism, Allergies, some aftereffects from nasty viruses I picked up as a Missionary in Asia, Traumatic Brain Injury due to numerous sports-related Concussions--the last one received in a car accident in 2005, Physical and Emotional Depression, a case of Systemic Candida, and Digestive Problems--at least partially due to a recent discovery of 2 parasites: Roundworms and Cryptosporidium. Turns out I've been eating for 3! (I am in the 2nd month of treatment for the parasites, which has been quite a challenge to my already fragile system.)

Recently, I was looking around on and stumbled across a book entitled: The Healing Code: 6 Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success, or Relationship Issue

Having read The Bible Code and The Da Vinci Code and always being interested in getting help for my health--especially if it only took 6 minutes, I ordered a copy. I was a bit skeptical, but figured it was worth a try!

What I read seemed a bit hokey and way too easy, but after reading all the testimonials and the science and testing behind this theory, it seemed plausible. In a very simple nutshell, what really did resonate with me--and that is the focus of this update--was their belief that all illness and disease is caused by stress! So, their solution, obviously, involves getting rid of that stress. So, naturally, the question arises: "Where specifically does the stress come from?"

Turns out the authors are believers in Jesus Christ, although that is not the focus of the book and they do not push their beliefs, they do mention the Bible text in Proverbs 4:23 that says "Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." So, they came up with a unique test to find out what are the issues of YOUR heart so that you can focus "The Healing Code" on those issues.

The Heart Issues Finder test is an online test (click for link) with a printable 12 page Report and the Authors claim that it is the only test in the world available that measures the issues of your heart. So, I took it and discovered that my number one "Issue" is actually related specifically to my heart (each issue relates to a corresponding physical system in our bodies). My number one "Issue" is a lack of belief in myself. In other words, I look to others for my worth and value instead of looking to GOD and then having the strength to believe in myself--in spite of what others may think of me or my beliefs.

As I have thought about these results, I do believe that they are right on the money. And, just now, I realized the connection with this issue and "stress"--the cause of illness and disease--is that the stress comes from me worrying about whether I am OK or not in someone else's eyes. I have noticed (especially on facebook) that if someone else disagrees with me, I experience rejection! Although intellectually I know that "Experience does not equal Rejection" (a Foundations saying), my emotional experience does not equal my intellectual belief.

As The Healing Code teaches, many of our subconscious beliefs cause us stress because they do not match up with our conscious beliefs, and because they are subconscious, we are not aware of why we are experiencing the stress. We are unaware of why we are having the emotional response we are having. This is the glory of The Heart Issues Finder because now we can become aware of what is going on in our deep dark heart of hearts! And then, with "The Healing Code" (as described in the book by the same name), we can fix these unseen heart issues.

As I examine sources of stress in my life, I am realizing that I will need to make some changes. These are not easy changes for me to make because these things have been a part of my daily life for years. I am going to need to pull way back from any discussion of politics. I have discovered that this causes me stress. I am going to need to avoid talk radio, for it too causes me stress. There are some TV shows that I may need to avoid due to their stressful content.

The number one question on my heart today has been: "What do I replace all these stressful things with?" So far, the only answer I have come up with is soothing or uplifting music. Any wisdom in that direction from you would be appreciated!

I want to encourage you if you are intrigued by what I have shared, to consider taking The Heart Issues Finder (see link above) and purchasing The Healing Code book to learn how to do the actual code--It is really easy and can truly be done in 6 minutes!

May your Higher Power's Love surround You now and Bless You today and Forever. This is my Prayer.

Your Friend, Gary