Friday, October 11, 2024

“How Does GOD Respond to Us?” (Grace Note #3)


How Does GOD Respond to Us?” (Grace Note #3)

Written by Gary L. Clendenon, September 17, 2014

In a recent devotional talk, Pastor Brad Paice talked about the challenges of having a two-year-old daughter. Anyone who has been a parent of or even observed a two-year-old knows what this means. At two, a child first discovers they have a self and that self can make decisions. They can say “Yes!” and they can say “No!” And somehow, as we all know, “No!” seems to be the word chosen most! They have identified that they have a will and they are going to exert it!

We've all seen what comes next when that two-year-old old child doesn't get want it wants: crying, screaming, temper tantrums, throwing themselves on the floor, etc. These are challenging times for parents, but we soldier on knowing that we'll all get through it and be better for it. We know that we are trying to teach our children well—even if they can't see it. We continue to love our child—in spite of their messy, cantankerous behavior. We even have some positive moments and see glimpses of the wonderful child they are underneath this passing phase.

Truth be told, we adults have our two-year-old moments with GOD. You know it's true. We want things to go our way! And when they don't, we sometimes throw our own hissy-fit. How does GOD respond to our immaturity? Jesus says in Matthew 7:9-11 “If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children. So don’t you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better?” (The Message Bible)

We know how as parents we respond as best we can to our own children. How does the God of the Universe respond to us in perfect love? GOD is the Proud Parent who, in spite of our two-year-old defiance, lights up with pride when in our own imperfect way we attempt to do anything He's taught us—like a two-year-old horribly mangling "The ABC Song" (and how we find that "cute" and "sweet"). Like any proud parent, GOD gushes with enthusiasm and affirmations at our feeble efforts and says with a large smile on His face and a twinkle in His eye, "That's perfect, my child—just perfect!"

I believe that if we understood this down to the heart level, it would change our lives. It would change our relationship with and understanding of Our Heavenly Parent. It would change our relationship with and understanding of ourselves and our value and worth. And, both of these would change our relationships with and understanding toward each other. And that would change our Church and our World! Here's to that GOD of Love and Grace. May He fully inhabit our hearts, minds, and bodies—now and forever more!