Why I Believe in Conspiracy Theories!
By Gary L. Clendenon, February, 2021
Pretty much all my life I have believed in “Conspiracy Theories”. I suppose being raised a Seventh-day Adventist in the 60’s & 70’s—where every negative news story was a “sign” that the “Time of Trouble” and persecution of “The Remnant Saints” were just around the corner—had a fairly strong influence on my initial belief system.
Thankfully, many of us SDA’s are growing out of that fear and adrenaline-fueled perspective to being “in the world, but not of it”. I think of the stories of “Chicken Little” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. A moral of both stories is that our minds and bodies can only take so much of that unbalanced approach to life! Sadly, this is, no doubt, the reason some people left the SDA Church, and it could even be argued, justifiably so.
So, after saying all that, you might be surprised I am still here arguing for a belief in conspiracy theories, right? This ought to be interesting! As Christians, we grow—sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, but we are on a Spirit-led journey, and we grow. Ideally, as we grow, we gradually move from a framework of “Fear and Rule-based Living” to—our ultimate goal—a framework of “Love and Relationship-based Living.”
As we grow, naturally our perspective changes and we are challenged with what to do with our old beliefs. It is completely natural to think it wise to just completely chuck out our old beliefs and move on, and many people do just that. As we grow and mature, though, we can find that there is a more healthy approach that is best exemplified by that awesome old German proverb, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”
To be clear, the “Baby” in this example is the idea that there are conspiracies in our world, and I am arguing that it would be foolish to throw that idea out. When I’m done, I think you’ll see why.
First let’s talk a look at the meaning of the word “Conspiracy”. A conspiracy is a noun that is the fruit or result of the action verb “Conspire”. To conspire is to “make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act” (emphasis mine). It is the secretive nature of a conspiracy that makes it so challenging to believe in—because there is no real proof, only hints or seemingly wild speculations, that often times seem ludicrous and unbelievable!
After 60 years of life and study, my current perspective on “Conspiracy Theories” is best summed up by the following statement (aka “Gary-ism # 21”).
“A Christian who believes in no conspiracy theories does not understand the Nature nor the Reality of the World.”
Let me explain why I say this. You will notice that the word “Christian” is in my statement. It is there for a reason. My whole belief on “Conspiracy Theories” is based on the fact that I am a Bible-believing Christian. If that doesn’t describe you, then my arguments, though you may see the logic of them, will most likely not apply to you nor your thinking about “Conspiracy Theories”. Maybe, though, my thoughts will, at least, help you understand us “Crazy” Christians a little better.
So, just to clarify, I am saying that I believe in “Conspiracy Theories” because of my belief in the Bible’s story. The Bible is very clear on this topic. We have an Enemy and from the moment of our birth until our last breath on this Earth, our enemy “conspires” to keep us in his collection of “The Damned”. This is a personal conspiracy against us.
Revelation 12:12 says: “How terrible for the earth…! For the Devil has come down to you, and he is filled with rage….” The Devil is no pussycat, as Peter warns: “Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8). Paul—using very war-filled language—advises us to “Put on the armor of God so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil’s evil tricks.” … and “...put out all the burning arrows shot by the Evil One” (Ephesians 6:11-16). Note that other versions for “evil tricks” use the words “schemes” or “strategies”. These words are synonyms for “conspiracies”.
As you can see from those texts, the Bible takes this war against us very seriously and all the language used to describe it is very serious. Adventist author, Ellen G. White, also took this same attitude on this topic. Here is just one small snippet out of many, many quotes that portrays her seriousness: “Satan takes control of every mind that is not decidedly under the control of the Spirit of God.” (TM, p. 79) As Christians, whether we choose to accept it or not, we are daily participants in this all out war against us, and our decisions can have major consequences!
In case we think “I’m really nobody important. I’m sure the Devil has more important things to do than worry about me.” You are right. He does! But, he’s not alone—and neither are we! Note the following verse also found in Ephesians 6: “For we are not fighting against human beings, but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age” (emphasis mine). In Revelation 12, we are told that one-third of all the angels were Satan’s followers and “thrown down to earth...with him” (verses 3-4 & 7-9). We are “not alone”, and we are not left alone!
C.S. Lewis also agreed with the seriousness of this conflict, writing: “Our leisure, even our play, is a matter of serious concern. There is no neutral ground in the universe: every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan.” (Christian Reflections)
For me the most striking visual I have ever seen showing the unending, overwhelming relentlessness of our Enemies is the Sentinels in the Matrix movie. The Sentinels are a huge swarm of super-fast, intelligent machines intent on the destruction of rebel humans. They do not stop for anything until they have achieved the annihilation of their intended targets. (1) This is a stunningly scary picture of how our demonic enemies would thoroughly destroy us in an instant, if they could!
Fortunately for us, there is a flip-side to that scary picture: the other two-thirds of the angels who were faithful to GOD. The Bible reassures us that each one of us who chooses GOD’s Team are protected by these angels, and we are to “Fear not”. (2) Probably the best visual of this protection in the Bible is Psalms 91—a powerful chapter of comfort to the Believer. In regards to specific mention of that angel protection, the strongest are verses 11-12 (emphasis mine):
your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can’t
get close to you,
harm can’t get through the door.
ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.
you stumble, they’ll catch you;
their job is to keep you from
Could it be that this unseen battle and generous, unseen protection has lulled us to sleep—thinking that since we don’t see it, it must not be there? That Devil kind of stuff only happens in the Mission Fields, not in our intelligent, sophisticated society, right? Wrong!
C.S. Lewis, in his excellent book The Screwtape Letters, writes that the Devil would either have us believe he doesn’t exist at all or that he’s some kind of Halloween-like costume character we should only be afraid of in a fun, flirty way. Either way, he can continue his quiet, efficient, detailed, behind-the-scenes guiding of our steps down the broad road to Hell.
This grand conspiracy extends to every human being in the whole human race. This conspiracy is seen and interwoven into every level of every possible thing we humans can interact with. Anything we can think of—by “anything”, I mean absolutely everything—is tainted by the Enemy’s design to continue to drag us further down into his kingdom.
The Devil doesn’t care what we are distracted with, as long as we remain distracted. Thus, he has infiltrated himself, or at least, his evil intentions, into every possible nook and cranny of every possible scenario we humans could ever encounter. We are set up—from the cradle to the grave—to be blissfully ignorant of the Kingdom of GOD and this great controversy over our minds and hearts. Lewis, speaks of this well-oiled machine of Evil in the following way:
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid “dens of crime” that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern. (3)
This is why I believe in “Conspiracy Theories”. This is why I further believe it is foolish and illogical not to believe in conspiracy theories. Given that “the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers” are always out to do whatever it takes to keep us from a relationship with GOD, and that every human being not choosing GOD’s Team, defaults automatically to Satan’s Team, I don’t understand how anyone, knowing this information not be open to the possibility of Conspiracy Theories!
Is every conspiracy theory true? Of course not, but every conspiracy theory has an element of truth in it because, as I have attempted to show you: that is the nature and reality of the World we live in. Our Enemy would much rather us just always have the attitude: “Move along now. There’s nothing to see here!” But that would be unwise!
Given what I have shared with you, I hope you can see why I think it is foolish and illogical to just quickly dismiss every conspiracy theory that comes along as a “Conspiracy Theory”, which is code for ridiculous, lunatic, nutso, don’t-even-waste-a-second-thinking-about-it! This calling things a “Conspiracy Theory”, I believe, is a tool of our Enemy to just completely dismiss any further examination of what is really going on, and so many people fall for this!
Viewed through the lenses of this perspective I am sharing with you, I hope you can see how Jesus’ advice in Matthew 10:16 when sending out the Disciples to “...be as wise as, as shrewd as, as wary as, as cautious as, as cunning as, as sagacious as, snakes….” ought to be taken seriously by us, His Disciples, as well. Just before saying that, Jesus said, “I am sending you out as sheep among wolves.” That paints a strong picture of being hunted, surrounded, outnumbered—absolutely cause to be alert, cautious, and wise! (As I alluded to before with my Matrix example.) (4)
So, is it logical and reasonable to believe that there is a secret cabal planning to unite the world under one government, religion, and monetary system? Given what I’ve shared, absolutely.
Is it logical and reasonable to believe that UFO’s, aliens, ghosts of the dead, and Hell are all demonic attempts to communicate a message to us humans? No doubt!
Is it logical and reasonable to believe that there is a sinister plan to poison us and degrade our bodies through the the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the drugs we use for our “Health”? Wouldn’t you use this approach if you were the Devil?
Is it logical and reasonable to believe that the Devil and his Minions would do everything possible to distract and degrade our minds with disinformation through the News, Movies, TV shows, Books, Music, and other Mediums so that the cacophony of noise almost completely drowns out what is right and true? Of course!
And last, but not least, for those who like Religion, is it not logical and reasonable to believe that the Devil would create counterfeit Religions and Denominations to fool humans into a fake relationship with The One and Only True GOD of the Universe? Hell, ya!
I find all these “Conspiracy Theories” completely logical and reasonable, and that is why I believe in “Conspiracy Theories”. I would even go so far as to say, as a Bible-believing Christian, how could one not believe in them?
I want to close this with a positive thought for perspective:
Regardless of all the conspiracies against us, we need not fear! Our Heavenly Trio has also conspired, and in the end, GOD’s amazingly intricate conspiracies will completely triumph over the Enemy’s.
1. For a video of the sentinels, go here (Warning: Language): https://youtu.be/u40bLeFnOn4)
2. There have been found 365 different versions of the command to “not fear” in the whole Bible—one for each day of the year! ;)
3. The Screwtape Letters, “Preface” (emphasis mine)
4. I don’t think that Jesus used the simile of “snakes” by accident. I strongly believe it was an allusion to Genesis 3:1: “Now the snake was ‘more crafty’, ‘the shrewdest’, ‘more subtle’, ‘more cunning’, ‘sneakier’, ‘more clever’, than any of the other animals” (various Bible versions). The “snake” represents that moment of seducing and outwitting Adam and Eve in the garden. (This is also confirmed by Revelation 12:9: “The huge dragon was thrown out—that ancient serpent, named the Devil, or Satan, that deceived the whole world” (emphasis mine)).