Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Guru on Top of the Mountain


The Guru on Top of the Mountain

By Gary L. Clendenon

A man desperately sought the meaning of life. He heard that there was an all-wise guru at the top of a mountain who possessed the wisdom he sought. It was a long and difficult journey to the top of the mountain, but the man deeply craved the truth regarding the meaning of life and he persevered until he finally made it to the top.

After resting from his arduous journey, the man received an audience with the all-wise guru. The man said, “I have come a long way and climbed this tall mountain to find the answer to this one all-consuming question: ‘What is the meaning of life?’”

The guru answered, “You have journeyed far and struggled greatly to reach this high place, so I know that you are sincere in your desire for the Truth. I will give the answer to you without delay and complete in one sentence: ‘TO LOVE is the meaning of life’.”

The man pondered the teacher’s short answer, but surprisingly found it unsatisfactory! He then said to the guru, “Thank you, Wise Teacher, for that simple, succinct answer, but what does it mean ‘to love’?”

The guru replied, “You are wise to seek clarification on what it means ‘to love’. We are to love our Creator, GOD, first, and then to love the people around us, second. That is what it means ‘to love’. First we receive perfect, unconditional Love from our Creator GOD, then filled to overflowing with that Love, we gladly share it with all whom we meet.

“Thank you, dear Guru, for that helpful clarification,” the man said, “If you don’t mind, since I will only be here this one time, just one more question, please: ‘What would that look like in real life action?’”

“Well,” the teacher said, “Because GOD is the source of Love, it would naturally be unwise to seek Love from any other person, place, or thing. GOD is too large to be contained by any image, box or structure, so even though we spend our lives learning to know more about GOD, we must always let GOD be ineffable GOD. Because the name of GOD—YeHoVaH—is Holy, we will naturally use and speak that name with reverence and love. And, we would never want to miss honoring GOD’s invitation to celebrate the Earth and all Creation’s weekly birthday on the seventh day of the week. That’s what ‘loving GOD’ looks like.”

“The most basic understanding,” the guru continued, “the bare minimum of what loving others looks like is this: “We love and honor our parents as best we can. It is not loving, nor our place, to take another human’s life. The gift of sexuality was given to us to enjoy as married partners. “True Love” respects that gift. Because GOD’s Kingdom of Love is based on giving, not taking, we rely on GOD as Source for what we need and don’t take things from others. We always tell the truth—in the kindest way possible. Instead of wanting what others have, we take all our desires to the GOD who decides what is best for us—in all things. That’s what ‘loving others’ looks like.”

“Now Dear Sir, let me ask YOU a question: ‘Why did you make all that effort to come all the way up here, seeking for “the meaning of life” when all of these things and even more are written in your Holy Books?’ Now that I have shared with you the “meaning of life”, seek out and apply this meaning from your Holy Books often, as it is there—in many places—just waiting to be discovered by you.”

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