Thursday, October 26, 2023

Crazy Christian Belief #1


False Assumptions: Relief from 12 “Christian” Beliefs that can Drive You Crazy

A book by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend (c) 1994

Summarized by Gary L. Clendenon, 2019-2020

False Assumption #1: “It’s selfish to have my needs met.”

Christian Truth #1: “Its NOT selfish to have my needs met.”

MORE: We have a God-given responsibility to get our needs met. If your need for comfort, encouragement, is selfish, then others’ need for that is selfish, too. If it ain’t okay for you to have it, then it ain’t okay for you to give it.

The self-righteous attitude of thinking we have no problems is what birthed Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1940’s. People found that in A.A. meetings they could still have struggles; they could still be needy. In fact, they had to confess their neediness at every meeting. The church should be a place where it’s safe to be unfinished, incomplete, and needy.

Having our needs meet frees us to meet the needs of others—without resentment.


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