Thursday, October 26, 2023

Crazy Christian Belief #2


False Assumptions: Relief from 12 “Christian” Beliefs that can Drive You Crazy

A book by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend (c) 1994

Summarized by Gary L. Clendenon, 2019-2020

Click HERE for "Crazy Christian Belief #1"

False Assumption #2: “If I’m spiritual enough, I will have no pain or sinfulness.”

Christian Truth #2: “Sinfulness and pain are normal on the Christian path. To admit and accept our problems is the first step to freedom and growth.”

MORE: People living under this false assumption cope with this untruth through “Denial” of reality, “Trying harder”, and/or “Using shame” and condemnation as their motivation.

The Bible’s truth about badness: 1. “Sinfulness is normal. Expect failure.” 2. “Negative feelings are normal, not sinful, when they arise from a sin against you.”

To blame victims for their pain is a sin against them; it is a sin against God, whose heart is with those who hurt (Ps. 34:18). Nowhere does Scripture tell us to confront the wounded. It tells us instead to love them.


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