Wednesday, October 11, 2023

“Islam & the Antichrist!” (Part One)

Islam & the Antichrist!” (Part One)

The following is the first of a series of posts I will make taken from the book The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson. Joel has a very compelling take on this subject and I wanted to share it with you, my friends. He says:

I believe that the information presented in this book will establish the fact that Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist that will overwhelm the entire world just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.”

Joel Richardson, The Islamic Antichrist, p. 12

The Qur’an mentions five things that a Muslim must believe in order to be a Muslim. These five things have, as a result, become a creed of sorts within Islam. From the Qur’an we read: It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets… (Sura 2:177; Pickthall)

Notice the order of the five tenets of belief:

  1. Belief in Allah.

  2. Belief in the Last Day.

  3. Belief in angels.

  4. Belief in the Scripture.

  5. Belief in the prophets.

This is very different than in Christianity. Unfortunately, while end-time belief plays a prominent role in the New Testament and in the life of the early church, today belief in the last days has become essentially optional or generally ignored by most. But not so with Islam; there are no true Muslims who do not believe in the last day and the events that precede it. Understanding the Islamic perspective regarding the Last Day and specifically the Major Signs, therefore, is crucial if we wish to understand the central religious anticipations of the 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.

~ Joel Richardson, The Islamic Antichrist, p. 18-19.

HERE is the link to Part 2:

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